Monday, January 27, 2014

Good news and bad news (but mostly good)

Three makes a trend, right? Well, in that case, we're definitely on trend toward recovery with B. Because after months of alternating Good Days and Bad Days, we're on the sixth consecutive Good Day.

Her initial transition into the specialized RSD rehab program was a rough one, and her first several days there were marked by a return to the frustration, despair, and fear that we'd seen in her when she was first admitted to the hospital back in early January. But after a total meltdown last Monday, she turned a corner—psychologically and emotionally, at least. She is not just fully cooperating with her physical therapists, but asking for more—and more difficult—exercises to do. Her attitude has done a complete 180, going from "I can't" or "I guess maybe I'll try, but..." to "I will!" and "Watch what I can do!" Her independence is growing day by day, as is her positivity.

So we're feeling pretty darn good about B right now, in the way she seems to have matured and in the determination to get better that she's now showing us. Our biggest challenge at this point is making sure that her new gung-ho attitude doesn't get squashed or squandered. Which may be tough, considering all the logistical, bureaucratic, red-tapey problems coming at us from all sides. We've got the insurance issue—hoping they will not only agree to continue funding B's rehab, but also increase the meager number of therapy hours that they've granted her so far. And there's also the hospital-stay-related issues—both the typical (like the bad food) and not-so-typical (like the 13-month old roommate B was saddled with this weekend). Off to do battle.

1 comment:

  1. SO great to read. Attitude and determination are everything! Oh, and I have supreme faith in your abilities to do battle.
